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Is more activity always better?  Poster presentation at the Science Education Open House

Is more activity always better? Poster presentation at the Science Education Open House

We’ve been visiting lots of classrooms this year, to see what’s going on in biology teaching, and to try to make connections between classroom practices and student learning.  The data so far are pretty interesting, and we (Megan & Lisa, on behalf of the whole LS-STLF team) presented our preliminary results at the Science Education […]

Hack Your Classroom: Quick grade entry with Remark frees up time and gets you more data

Marking homework and exams is a huge time sink for any course. Then comes the dreaded task of entering the grades. Dozens of hours of your time, or TA time, can be spent each term entering grades. Looking to dramatically reduce the number of hours spent entering grades?  Consider trying Remark.  This scanning technology is useful […]